Govt builds new 123 fire service stations

Published: 26 January 2017, 09:38 AM
Govt builds new 123 fire service stations

The government has constructed some 123 fire service stations at different upazila sadar and important places across the country as the people in grassroots can receive the services in danger period.

“Now people in grassroots are also having the fire service in disaster period which was not in the past. Some total 318 old and new fire stations are working actively to provide the service,” Fire Service and Civil Defence Project Coordinator and Joint Secretary Mohammad Ataul Haque told on Thursday.

He said construction of 34 more stations is underway now while 200 more will be built in phases under three projects. Haque said each stations have two vehicles, an ambulance and around 27-35 members. Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defence have achieved its capability in facing different disasters like earthquake, fire, water-vassal or road accidents because of the incumbent government`s effective steps, he added.

The project coordinator said: “The fire stations are being constructed as the present government had a pledge to build minimum a fire station at every upazila”.

The government has bought different modern equipments including vehicles, ambulances and others to strengthen the service further, he said.

Haque said 10-storied building for a new headquarters of fire service is being built at Mirpur at a cost of Taka 364 crore which will end by 2018.

Besides, another 10-stroired building is being built for a modern fire academy at Mirpur to impart training to members.

He said around 12,000 motorbikes, 150 alternative small vehicles and ambulances have been bought from China as fire fighters can rush to disaster scene fast in the capital city of Dhaka.

The government has taken a plan to increase the manpower of the service to 15,000 from 7000 by 2018, he added.

Source: BSS