Int’l Customs Day today

Published: 26 January 2017, 05:18 AM
Int’l Customs Day today

International Customs Day is being observed in Bangladesh like other countries in the world on Thursday.

National Board of Revenue (NBR) has taken elaborate programmes to observe the day in a befitting manner.

The observance of the day marks the first official conference of the Customs Co-operation Council-the World Customs Organization (WCO). A total of 179 countries are now the member of WCO.

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages on the occasion, wishing the success of all programmes taken by NBR. In separate messages they greeted all officials and employees of the customs department and the tax-paying individuals and companies.

As part of the day`s programme, the NBR has planned to give five organizations and 15 officials "World Customs Organization Certificate of Merit Award" for extending cooperation for revenue collection, said NBR chairman Md Nojibor Rahman while speaking at a press conference here yesterday.

The organizations are: Attorney General`s Office, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), Coast Guard, Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and Bangladesh Land Port Authority.

He said 15 more officials will also be given `recognition prize`.

As part of the day`s programmes, NBR will bring out a procession from its office at Segunbagicha to National Press Club in the morning.

A seminar and award distribution ceremony will be held at the NBR`s Agargaon Bhaban in the afternoon.

Finance minister AMA Muhith, industries minister Amir Hossain Amu, chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on the ministry of finance Dr Abdur Razzak, Prime Minister`s economic affairs adviser Dr Mashiur Rahman and FBCCI president Abdul Matlub Ahmad will attend the programme.

Source: BSS