1240 workers killed at workplace in 2016

Published: 30 December 2016, 11:10 AM
1240 workers killed at workplace in 2016

At least 1240 workers were killed and 544 others wounded at workplace in 2016 due to unsafe work environment, claimed Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE).

The organization disclosed the findings at a press briefing at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) on Friday. They produced the statistics on the basis of media reports and local sources.

OSHE finds that 486 workers were killed in transportation sector, 147 in construction, 88 in garments factories, 87 in farming and 55 were killed in lightning.

Apart from, 69 day-labourers, 47 workers, 33 domestic helps, 23 ship breaking workers and 44 fishermen were killed in 2016. Three workers are still missing.

In the conference, Saki Rezwana, Chairperson of the organization said that of the total slain workers 359 were in official sectors while 881 in unofficial sectors.

Vice-chairman of the organization Dr. SM Morshed, Assistant Director Alam Hossain, Programme Officer Arifa Alam and Communication Officer Abdur Rashid, among others, were present there.