Minor killed after abduction

Staff Reporter Published: 11 December 2015, 08:56 AM | Updated: 26 October 2017, 10:57 AM
Minor killed after abduction

A minor school boy was killed after abducted him in Gangni upazila of Meherpur. The minor’s dead body was recovered from Solaiman High School on Thursday night.

The deceased was identified as Antor, 8, son of Kafirul Islam of village Baot of the upazila.

Deceased’s Uncle Ziaur Rahman told Jagonews24.com that, they didn’t know why Antor was killed.

Ziaur Rahman said, miscreants abducted Antor from Baot bazaar area around 4pm. We searched him and announced his missing news via miking. After we spotted Antor in front of the Solaiman High School and sent him to Kustia Medical College Hospital and the doctor declared him as dead.   

In this connection Officer-in-charge of Gangni Police Station Akram Hosen told Jagonews24.com that, they were informed this.