KU admission test begins tomorrow

Published: 10 December 2015, 09:56 AM
KU admission test begins tomorrow

The two-day long admission tests for the first year honors courses in Khulna University (KU) under 2015-16 academic year will begins Friday.

KU sources said a total of 30,995 admission seekers are expected to attend the entry test for 1,118 seats in 26 Disciplines under five faculties and one Institute.

To hold the examination peaceful, the KU authority in a meeting yesterday have taken various decision including seat plans and tight security measures. KU Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor Dr. Md. Fayequzzaman chaired the meeting.

The meeting decided to set up three check post on the campus, stopping vehicles plying from 8 am to 7 pm on the examinations day adjacent to KU area.

The admission aspirants bearing Roll no-0001 to 4300 will attend at the entry test at KU campus while Roll no-4301 to 6165 will attend at KCC Women College, a sub center of KU, in the city.

On December 11, the admission tests of Science Engineering and Technology School will hold from 9 am to 12 noon while Live Science School will hold from 2.30 pm to 4 pm and Fine Art Institute will hold from 5 pm to 6.30 pm.

On December 12, the admission tests of Art and Humanity School will hold from 9 am to 11 am while Social Science School will hold from 12.30 pm to 2 pm Management Business Administration will hold from 3.30 pm to 5 pm.

Two mobile courts will be deployed on the campus during the examinations, said Atiar Rahman, Deputy Director of Publications and Mass Media of KU.

Candidates have been asked to attend the examination hall excluding all electronic devices except calculator, he said.

The results of the test will publish on November 12, said KU VC.

The result will be available on the KU website (www.ku.ac.bd), concerned Dean Offices and academic section of KU Register Office, he said.