US calls for protection of Rohingya refugees

Published: 12 December 2016, 10:01 AM
US calls for protection of Rohingya refugees

The United States called upon the international community for protection of Rohingya refugees in Myanmar and give support to the nations that host refugees.

“The world must make protection of refugees a priority and devote the necessary resources to this challenge, including support to the nations that host refugees,” said U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard here.

Anne was addressing a session of the Global Forum for Migration and Development (GFMD) Summit that begun at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the capital on Saturday.

The US Assistant Secretary of State said tensions, conflict, and discrimination inside neighboring Burma have, over the years, led people from that country to flee across its borders into Bangladesh, Thailand, China, and beyond.

“These phenomena - migration and flight - are not limited to this region...just as Bangladesh and the international community have worked together to address the plight of the Rohingya,” she added.

Anne said clearly nations have a sovereign right to control their borders as dangerous and unmanaged migration risks lives, enriches smugglers, traffickers and criminal networks, and undermines public confidence in government.

“Thoughtful nations, however, have found ways to develop border control and migration policies that protect citizens, asylum-seekers, and migrants while maximizing the benefits of legal migration,” she said.

The US Assistant Secretary of State, however, lauded Bangladesh`s leading role in multilateral discussions on refugee and migration issues to ensure safe and secured migration and lifting miseries of migrant workers.

“For many years Bangladesh has taken a leading role in multilateral discussions on refugee and migration issues,” she added.

Anne said that such discussions support international efforts to protect the most vulnerable people who have been displaced from their homes.

On GFMD Summit, she said that Bangladesh`s leadership again was demonstrated this week when its government hosted the summit as more than 700 diplomats, officials and representatives from civil society converged on Dhaka for the Global Forum.

“This year`s GFMD also advanced discussions related to the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, a document produced at the UN in September that calls for the development of two separate “compacts” on refugees and safe, orderly and regular migration,” she added.

Source: BSS