PM wants next polls free, fair

Published: 9 December 2016, 04:16 AM
PM wants next polls free, fair

Prime Minister and Leader of the House Sheikh Hasina on Thursday expressed her determination to hold the next general elections in a free, fair and neutral manner to continue the trend of democracy in the country.

‘We want continuation of smooth trend of democracy as it would accelerate the pace of the country`s economic uplift," she said.

The premier made the comments while delivering her winding up speech of the 13th session of the 10th Jatiya Sangsad with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.

Sheikh Hasina said her party Bangladesh Awami League always wants free, fair and neutral elections to further strengthen democracy.

"We waged movement for establishing rights to vote and food for which the leaders and workers of Awami League, Jubo League, Chhatra League and other associate organizations sacrificed their lives," she said.

While talking about the President`s initiative for holding a dialogue with political parties regarding the formation of the new Election Commission, the prime minister said her party would see what the President does and will accept in that way.

Sheikh Hasina said the President has taken an initiative for formation of the new EC and BNP has reached its plan and opinions to Bangabhaban.

"The honourable President will hold discussions with all political parties on the issue and constitute the EC and he would constitute the commission in the way he wants ... we would see what the President wants and accept it in that way," she said.

Indicating BNP, the Leader of the House said many advices are heard from those who rigged elections in the past. "We knew very well that how the BNP rigged the 15th February polls and 1st October elections in 2001," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said the people of the country also witnessed how the BNP played with 22nd January elections in 2006 and wanted to go to power through the polls.

"The BNP wanted to make their power permanent by preparing a fake voter list," she said.

Referring to boycott of the January 5 elections in 2014 by the BNP, the prime minister said it was its wrong decision. "So why the countrymen would now pay price for it," she said.

In this connection, the premier said the BNP-Jamaat nexus unleashed mayhem and rampage to foil the January 5 polls and they burnt over 150 people to death in the name of the movement.

"For this Khaleda Zia will have to seek apology to the nation," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said cases have been lodged against those who had unleashed mayhem and rampage and burnt innocent people to deaths in 2013, 2014 and 2015. "Punishment of those terrorists would be held speedily and there would be no room for killers and terrorists in the country," she said.

The premier said her government after assuming office took firm steps against terrorism and militancy, and strengthened the Anti-Corruption Commission to contain graft.

"Action would be taken against those who indulge in corruption and the government won`t interfere in this regard ... we are pursuing that policy," she said.

Regarding the influx of Rohingyas into Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina said her government gave many refugees shelter on humanitarian grounds. "But she said the international community remains silent on the issue and we want that peace prevail in Rakhain state," she said.

In this connection, she said for those the incident originated in Myanmar won`t be given shelter in Bangladesh. "If they are found in Bangladesh they would be handed over to the Myanmar authorities ... there would be no place for them in Bangladesh," she said.

"Thousands of people including women and children would suffer for them, we will not allow it," she said, adding Bangladesh remains always aware of the matter.

Talking about the technical glitch of Biman flight carrying her to Budapest, Sheikh Hasina said the Boeing authorities have said 6000 such aircraft are operated across the globe but any plane of the company did not witness such an incident.

There is a doubt that it was not a technical fault, rather it was manmade, she said, adding "investigation is underway and I cannot make any comments before the completion of the probe," she said.

Responding to a query of the opposition leader, the prime minister said a list is being prepared for those who are languishing in the country`s jail without trial. "We have taken steps so that their trials are held swiftly," she said.

Replying to a demand of Raushan Ershad for allocating a government plot for her, Sheikh Hasina, also the elder daughter of Bangabandhu, said she did not take any government plot. "I have no plot or own house in Dhaka and don`t want it ... I and my sister donated my parental property to Bangabandhu Memorial Trust," she said.

The prime minister also mentioned the country attracted the highest foreign direct investment (FDI) of 2.23 billion dollars in 2015 and highlighted her government successes in various fields.

Source: BSS