Bangladesh set to celebrate Armed Forces Day Monday

Published: 20 November 2016, 01:34 PM
Bangladesh set to celebrate Armed Forces Day Monday

The country is set to celebrate the Armed Forces Day on Monday marking the founding of army, navy and air force during the 1971 Liberation War.

“On this day during the Great War of Liberation in 1971, the Bangladesh Armed Forces comprising army, navy and air forces, came into being and launched an all-out attack on the Pakistani occupation forces,” an ISPR statement said this afternoon.

It said the day’s programme will begin with the offering of special prayers after Fazr prayers at all mosques in all the cantonments, naval and air force bases throughout the country seeking divine blessings for the well-being and prosperity of the nation and progress of the armed forces.

President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday issued separate messages greeting members of the armed forces on the occasion.

“(On this occasion) I am recalling the memory of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who declared the independence of the country on March 26, 1971 ignoring imprisonment,” President said in his message.

He also recalled the memories of 1971 martyrs particularly naming the seven recipients of highest gallantry awards “Bir Shreshtha” Sipahi Mohammad Mostafa Kamal, Captain Mohiuddin Jahangair, Sipahi Hamidur Rahman, Mohammad Ruhul Amin, Flight Lieutenant Matiur Rahman, Lance Naik Noor Mohammad Sheikh and Lance Naik Munshi Abdur Rouf.

The prime minister, in her message, said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman began the task of building the armed forces while the incumbent government took all out initiatives for its modernization.

She appreciated the armed forces for attaining professional skills and said they were also taking part in facing disasters, constructing infrastructures, serving mankind, assisting civil administration and various nation building and pro-people activities.

“Members of the armed forces are brightening the country’s image at international level by performing their duties with sincerity in the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions, she said.

As part of the day’s programmes, the president and the premier would lay wreaths at the ‘Shikha Anirban’ (the Eternal Flame) at Dhaka Cantonment paying deep homage to the martyred armed forces members who laid down their lives in the Liberation War.

They will be followed by Army Chief General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq, Navy Chief Admiral Mohammad Nizamuddin Ahmed and Air Force Chief Air Chief Marshal Abu Esrar in performing the ritual on behalf of their respective forces.

The chiefs of the three services would also call on the President at the Bangabhaban and the prime minster at the Armed Forces Division.

The prime minister will meet the family members of the Bir Shresthos and other gallantry award winning 1971 veterans at the Armed Forces Division at the Dhaka Cantonment and in the afternoon she would host a reception at “Sena Kunja”.

The Jatiya Sangsad speaker, chief justice, former presidents, leader of the opposition in parliament, cabinet members, Supreme Court judges, chief election commissioner, election commissioners, foreign envoys, high civil and military officers, the leading intelligentsia, senior journalists and other distinguished personalities will join the reception.

The state-run Bangladesh Television (BTV) will air the function live. A special ‘Anirban’ programme illustrating the significance of the day will be telecasted by BTV after the Bangla news bulletin at 8pm on the day while the national dailies will publish special supplements highlighting the significance of the day.

Savar, Bogra, Ghatail, Chittagong, Comilla, Sylhet, Jessore, Rangpur, Khulna and Rajendrapur cantonments will also host receptions marking the day.

Various programmes have also been chalked out at different army garrisons, naval ships, installations and bases of the air force across the country outside Dhaka.

Bangladesh Navy in particular would keep their war ships open for visitors at the country’s two sea ports and river ports in Dhaka and Narayanganj and Barisal from 2.00 to 4.30pm on the day.

Source: BSS