Amu leaves for Vienna

Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu left Dhaka on Wednesday for Vienna in Austria to attend the sixth ministerial conference of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
The two-day conference will start Thursday.
It will adopt a work plan for inclusive and sustainable industrial development of the LDCs aimed at achieving the United Nations (UN) target of sustainable development, an official release said.
Nobel laureate Joseph Stigliz is expected to present the keynote paper on "Sustainable Industrialization for Shared Prosperity" in the conference.
A ministerial-level debate on socio-economic development of the LDCs will also be held in the conference. The LDC ministers may put emphasis on enhancement of participation of the private sectors and joint partnership of public and private sectors to ensure the sustainable development.
The minister will later attend 16th general assembly of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) scheduled to be held in Vienna from November 30 to December 4.
Environment friendly industrialization, expansion of green technology, increase the usage of alternative energy, protection of intellectual properties, and other issues are likely to dominate the discussion in the assembly.
The minister is scheduled to return home on December 5.