33 arrested over Nasirnagar attacks

Published: 5 November 2016, 07:47 AM
33 arrested over Nasirnagar attacks

Police arrested 33 more people in connection with the attack at Hindu area in Brahmanbaria’s Nasirnagar.

Confirming the matter, Nasirnagar police officer-in-charge Md Abu Zafar told Jagonews that police in a drives from Friday night to early Saturday arrested them from different areas of the upazila.

The identities of the arrestees could not be ascertained yet, the OC said.

Earlier, police arrested 11 people in this connection.

On October 30, an unruly mob equipped with sharp weapons went berserk and demolished a number of Hindu temples and nearly 100 houses in Nasirnagar upazila following a rumour of a Facebook post demeaning the Holy Kaaba.