Judge decides how long two wives will get their husband

Published: 3 November 2016, 06:15 AM
Judge decides how long two wives will get their husband

A 46 years old man named Hamdu Miah was in trouble with his two wives. His first wife Rita, 34 and second wife Shahina Begum, 34, locked into quarrel for a long. On April 22, 2015 Shahina filed a case against her rival Rita and husband with Wari Police Station in connection with beating her.

On Wednesday, Judge Alamgir of the Dhaka Chief Metropolitan Magistrate’s (CMM) Court gave a decision orally following the case that how long two wives will get their husband.  

Judge Alamgir told Hamdu Miah that to live with her first wife for five days and two days with second wife in a week.

After getting an informal order of the judge, Shahina told Jagonews24.com that, Rita will get five days but why I will get only two days to live with my husband. But now I feel good over the judgment, she added.

According to source, Dhaka CMM court fixed Wednesday for the recording of statements in the case. On this day, both of the part appeared before the court. Mahmudul Hasan, Sub Inspector of Wari Police Station, submitted the charge-sheet on June 20, 2015.