5 reasons why women leave men

Published: 30 August 2016, 02:16 PM
5 reasons why women leave men

Men are often labeled as players who have more trouble committing than women. So why is it that women do most of the leaving?

Reason #1: She feels unappreciated or ignored

The number one reason why women leave men is because they feel neglected. People rely on relationships for three basic needs: love, support and attention.

When a partner feels they are not receiving these things, they become fed up and often check out.

Neglect is also a large reason why women cheat. Studies say that while men are more likely to cheat for the sex, women are likely looking to fill an emotional void or receive the attention they are lacking.

Women are more likely to cheat because they are unhappy in a relationship. A biological anthropologist found that while only 34% of women who had affairs were happy in their marriage, a larger 56% of men were happy when they cheated.

So, how can you keep your woman happy and faithful?

Reason #2: You cannot see eye to eye

Since women are more likely to examine the relationship, they’re usually the driving force that keeps it alive.

She’s probably the one suggesting changes that can be made or ways to improve communication. This often leads men to believe that women have unrealistic expectations.

They find women to be spoiled and unappreciative. If this is the case, the man might feel taken for granted, resenting his partner for her dissatisfaction.

At this point, neither of you can see eye to eye. When both partners believe they are in the right, salvaging the relationship becomes impossible.

She wants things to change and you want her to accept them as they are. This stubbornness will get you nowhere fast.

If you don’t want a breakup in your future, there are a few ways to solve this problem. It might just require a little flexibility on your part.

Reason #3: She has a better support group

Just as women are more likely to talk to their friends about a breakup, women are also more likely to discuss their discontent with friends during the relationship.

In this sense, women have more people they can confide in. Strain in the relationship therefore affects men more because it threatens their sense of identity and self-worth, unlike their female counterpart who has a larger team of supporters.

Reason #4: They have already cheated

Using another person to transition out of a bad relationship is a common reason why women cheat and eventually leave their partner.

Some women often do it consciously. Others don’t even realize they were looking for an escape route until they’re already out of the relationship.

It’s possible that this situation might just be a way to feel better about infidelity, an after-thought to help her deal with your regret. ‘I cheated because I wanted out. I did it for a reason.’ Unfortunately, it’s difficult to prove the underlying reason for infidelity.

In my personal experience, I have found that men are less likely to admit to cheating, and more likely to stay in the relationship after they’ve cheated.

Women, on the other hand, tend to confess more often and/or end the relationship out of guilt, before the truth even gets out.

Reason #5: You are bad in bed

If you have had sex, then this is a very plausible reason for a woman breaking up with you but not giving you a real reason why.

Women know that men try very hard in bed and don’t want to make them feel bad about their efforts, no matter how horrible they were.

There are a number of reasons you can be bad in bed:

•    You are a bad kisser
•    You focus on your pleasure more than hers
•    You focus on your pleasure first
•    You can’t give her an orgasm
•    Your dirty talk is really bad