Special homemade facial for glowing skin

Published: 23 August 2016, 11:48 AM
Special homemade facial for glowing skin

Facial is a beauty fascination among women the world over for ages. There are many kinds of facials available for different types of skin.

Among all facials, fruit facial is one that suits all kinds of skin especially the sensitive ones. Fruits have enzymes to boost the glow on the face.

They revive and brighten the skin and give a fairer complexion. They clean the skin from deep inside, leaving a naturally smooth feel by removing the dead cells.

Although you can approach parlours for fruit facials, they are expensive and one cannot avail it any time.

Here, we are providing you with few home fruit facials which are easy and quick to do and can be done any time according to your convenience without bothering to go out.

• Papaya - Papaya invigorates the skin, removes tanning and gives immense glimmering to the face. Take out the pulp of a nicely ripe papaya and massage your face and neck with its pulp in upward direction.

Leave the pack for 30 minutes. Wash off and see your face oil free and shining.

• Apple - Apple pulp is a hit to make skin baby soft. Peel off an apple and cut in small pieces. Grind it to make fine paste.

Apply this paste on your face and neck. Let it get dry in 30 minutes. Rinse off your face and see a replenished skin.

• Honey strawberry combo - Strawberries have an anti-aging and skin glowing effect. They reduce the marks and dark spots and make the skin beautiful.

Crush strawberries in a bowl with a spoon. Add little honey in it. Apply this pack on your face and neck for 30 minutes and delay the aging process.

You can add blueberries and cherries also in this pack according to the availability to make it more effective.

• Banana - Banana is a natural cleanser and removes acne when mixed with lemon juice and little honey. Mash a ripe banana properly and add lemon juice and honey to it.

Apply it on your face and neck. Wash off after 30 minutes and see a fresh radiance on your face.

• Orange - Oranges are full of vitamin C that counts a lot in replenishing the skin and removing the tanning. Take out orange juice.

Massage your face and neck gently with it. Leave your face as it is for 30 minutes and then rinse off. You will find your skin away from oil and blemishes.

• Cucumber and lemon - This facial is best for dry skin. Grate cucumber and squeeze its juice. Mix a few drops of lemon and rose water in it.

Spread it on your face and neck and feel its cooling effect for 30 minutes. Wash it off and see a radiant face in the mirror.

• Watermelon – Watermelon has natural cleansing agents. Mash little watermelon properly and apply on your skin. Wash off after half an hour and have a feel of luminous wonderful skin.

• Peach and tomato - A combination of peach and tomato cleanses the skin very efficiently. Grate peach and tomato and mix well with few honey drops.

Apply this pack on your face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off to get a stunning face in front of you.

• Pomegranate - Pomegranates are known for anti-aging. They are rich in antioxidants. Take out the pomegranate seeds and put in a blender.

Make a smooth paste and apply on the face. Wash off after 30 minutes. It will remove all the dead cells of the skin.

• Mix fruit - Last but not the least, this pack is a blend of kiwi, blueberry, cherries, strawberry, papaya, watermelon, banana, orange and peach.

You can add any other food too in this combo pack. Apply this pack on your face and leave for 30 minutes.

Rinse off with cold water. Touch and feel a completely nourished and naturally toned skin glowing enormously.

Try out these home ways of doing facials in a complete non-chemical way. Now why to spend hefty amounts and spend hours in parlours.

Also the facials of the parlours are advised to be taken once in a month because of chemical content in them but these home fruit facials can be repeated once in every week as they are completely natural and freshly made.

Each time you can try a new one because they will not harm your skin at all. Feed your skin with the goodness of variety of fruits and stay beautiful and young.