6 Reasons Why Women Leave Their Love

Published: 25 May 2016, 11:03 AM
 6 Reasons Why Women Leave Their Love

Love has no plan, verdict, prejudice and bias,Without any definition, love is simply love.It diminishes differences, walls, and boundaries. It is effortless; although all relationships require some work, love is like a rhythmic dance performed easily and gracefully.

Unfortunately, when the dance gets difficult, relationships end devastatingly and leave the couples thinking, ‘What went wrong?’ This article sums up six reasons why women leave the love of their life:

1. Feelings of Loneliness

A woman requires constant reminder from her partner that she matters in his life. If her man is not present to support her, there is no point in continuing the relationship.

Women are nurturers who believe that in a relationship, the man is the whole world to them.

However, men have the tendency to disconnect quickly when they get comfortable, and spending time with an emotionally absent person can be like living in a world where your voice is not heard.

A woman then realizes that she cannot handle the feeling of insignificance that creeps through this avoidance. When love and consideration are not replied back, couples realize that they do not want to continue the relationship.

2. Less Acknowledgement Received

Not paying attention to what a woman speaks is the most harmful thing for her. A woman is stimulated by words. She needs to experience the feeling of being loved, respected, encouraged and supported.

When she is sharing things with her partner, it is because she wants to build a strong connection with him. Women are simple creatures and love simple gestures of communication and love.

Washing the dishes, doing the laundry or anything that acknowledges her presence is extraordinary in a relationship. As soon as a woman starts to feel that she is being taken for granted, she will move on with a heavy heart.

3. Sexual Desire Diminish

Men are beings who are ready for sex whenever they want it. A woman requires foreplay, affection, and the feeling of being desired by her man. A woman wants impulsiveness and craves her partner to be romantic with her.

Therefore, when a man fulfills his desires by other women or just wants to satisfy himself, a woman is completely turned off.

At this point, when a woman feels that her man doesn’t desire her anymore and doesn’t make her feel special in bed, she decides to move on.

4. Substantial Changes in Life

The midlife of every woman is different. Most women do not long for a fancy car or new clothes. All they want is to look good to their husband.

Menopause is one reason because what was once easily suffered can no longer be. Other changes in life include financial tension, children leaving the house for college, and full-time care of parents.

Also, women who fight diseases like cancer find that their men have drifted far away from them. A woman needs to be given the feeling of strength and self-respect by her man.

With no support and care, a woman quickly leaves him.

5. Men Become Predictable

All men have specific routines, which gets steady as they get old. It is one of the main reasons men end up with a midlife crisis.

Women, on the other hand, like unexpected events. They need to know that their presence matters. Small things like placing a note on a coffee mug are more than enough to appreciate her.

Familiarity does not feel good in the midlife; rather, it seems boring. For women, a man is not a fixture. He is her companion, and when she thinks he no longer surprises her, she decides to move on.

6. Physical Absence

Women can bear everything except for a man who cares more about staying out with his friends and acquaintances than spending time with them.

Women, in reality, do not need men to take care of them but need someone who will stand by them at all times and appreciate their presence.

When she realizes that her man is more interested in spending time with anyone else apart from her, she will gradually distant herself from him.

Although it won’t happen all of a sudden, the longer it takes, the worst it is at the end. She knows the relationship has come to an end when there is nothing emotionally and mentally present.

With time, women have progressed in our society. Women today don’t ‘need’ a man in their life. Instead, they want a partner with whom they can share their life.

When she thinks that her partner no longer loves her, appreciates her, touches her, cuddles her and talks to her, then she prefers staying alone.

Women try their level best to make the relationship work, but they cannot tolerate a companion who is no longer stimulating and they ultimately choose to part ways.