3 ways to power-up your body language and be successful

Published: 20 May 2016, 09:37 AM
3 ways to power-up your body language and be successful

Our body language plays a big role in our professional success. However, it is one of the most underleveraged tools of building a confident personality.

People often misuse rather abuse their physiology and wonder why they feel so low on energy during the day.

Tony Robbins aptly explained this concept in one of his books: ‘If emotions can lead to motion, then motion can also lead to emotion.’ What if I promise a success recipe to you through this article? A recipe if prepared correctly can make you more confident, motivated and creative at work. The recipe is called the ‘power-posture’ recipe and the good news is that it is absolutely free.

It can be used by anyone who is willing to learn to use it. And the best part is that it needs little or no coaching. You may be doing fine at your work with your existing postures, but you have no idea what a powerful transformation you are missing on by being indifferent.

Ever wondered why we feel so exhausted even when we have not used our bodies much at the workplace. The secret lies in the posture and the movement of your body.

Here are five benefits of taking charge of your body language:

1. Emotional mastery is impossible without physiology: To be successful at work, you need to feel energetic and confident. Most of the people work with a slouched posture; eyes fixated on the laptop screen and staying seated for 8-10 hours every day; shoulders drooping and necks bowed.

The fastest way to change your physiology is to observe it. You analyze office situations differently when you feel in-charge of the situation, in comparison to the time when you feel weak. You respond to situations rather than reacting to them.

2. Change your body language to get noticed: It is easy to spot confident people at the workplace. They hold their heads high, shoulders are upright and they carry themselves confidently. Notice the most powerful people in your office and start observing their body language.

Never work in a slouched or lying posture. How they use their hands, eyes and what is the stance they take while communicating? Learn, observe and then mirror the same actions. You will make more friends at work by being open and confident than if you’re being closed and fearful. I have seen introverts transforming into extroverts by leveraging the right body language.

3. Overcome nervousness and depression: If before any presentation or client meeting you feel nervous, try a few power poses. Some of the power poses are raised hands in victory signal, hands on your waist, hands behind your head in a relaxed manner and double high-fives.

Two minutes of power posing every day can improve your endorphin levels and make you feel better. I encourage all my students and workshop participants to indulge in power-posing after every hour. Some of them experience marvelous changes in their thought process as a result of power posing.