Don’t let a migraine take over your life

Lifestyle Desk Published: 6 May 2016, 11:02 AM | Updated: 22 October 2019, 03:19 PM
Don’t let a migraine take over your life

Unless your suffer from a migraine, you will never really know how debilitating it can be.Migraines affect millions around the globe and can be triggered by the smallest (and strangest) of things.

These include changes in the weather, food items, overpowering scents and several other things. A migraine attack is different for everyone, which is why treating it is never really easy.

You need to figure out what triggers off your migraine so that you can deal with it effectively...

- If smells are your biggest concern, make sure that you stay away from perfumes, room fresheners, scented candles, strong detergents, or anything that emits a strong odour.

- As strange as it may sound, certain foods can also cause bad migraine attacks. These include certain cheeses, nuts, and citrus fruits, chocolate, pickled or marinated food, types of beans, raisins, foods that contain MSG, avocados, caffeinated items and alcohol. The best thing, of course, is to steer clear of these foods.

- Your monthly cycle can also be a cause for severe migraines. Usually taking place just a few days before the start of your period or during it, some women even get an attack when they ovulate. Your migraine medication will help ease the discomfort caused.

- Stress is one of the most common reasons for migraines. This is because emotions such as uncertainty, concern, anxiety and heartache can discharge brain chemicals that are known to cause migraines.

- An irregular sleep schedule can also cause migraine attacks. Hence, it is important to wake up and sleep at roughly the same time daily and ensure that you get the requisite seven to eight hours of sleep daily.