8 tips to save eyes from computer vision

Published: 15 September 2014, 07:58 PM
8 tips to save eyes from computer vision

Working on computers is essential in several professions, while a sizeable number do so for leisure or communication needs. But very few are aware of the flip side of working on computers. Computer screens emit a harmful blue light that is dangerous to human eyes and prolonged usage can lead to what has come to be known as digital eye strain in medical lexicon.

However, just taking a few simple steps can keep your eyes from getting strained, irritated and dry despite using your computer all day long.

Keep your screen clean

Dirt, dust and fingerprints on the computer screen make it harder to read what’s on the screen. If you ignore the grime continuously, it becomes a habit and can lead to chronic headaches in the long run.

Good thing is that this can be easily avoided. Take a minute out of your schedule and wipe the computer screen daily. It will be enough to keep your screen regularly cleaned and avoid you the extra strain.

Use proper lighting

Too much light, either from an internal source or direct sunlight through a window, causes eye strain as much as seeing on the screen out in the sun.

Place your computer in a way that the windows are neither in front or behind it, but on the sides. Absolutely eliminating exterior light is even better.

Also, avoid working under overhead fluorescent lights. If that is not possible, at least try switching to "full spectrum" fluorescent lights which are more comforting for computer work than regular fluorescent tubes.

Use fonts that are easy to read

It may sound obvious, but computer screens have a way of making us forget to blink. It is, in fact, very common to blink less frequently while working on the computer. But blinking at regular intervals while working on computers is essential as it moistens eyes and prevents them from dryness and irritation.

If you still feel dryness or irritation in your eyes, switch to using lubricating eye drops prescribed by your doctor. And if you suffer from chronically dry, itchy eyes, then using a laptop instead of a desktop computer is recommended. When you’re looking down at a laptop, your eyes tend to stay more moist.