6 signs of an emotional manipulator

Published: 4 February 2017, 12:28 PM
6 signs of an emotional manipulator

Let’s admit it - emotional manipulation always works. In a Facebook experiment, people were shown only negative stories in their news feed and after sometime their own posts started to reflect the same mood. So if a Facebook experiment can manipulate your emotions, imagine how greatly a person can thrive on your weaknesses and triggers. But it is important to spot them as emotional manipulation can be disastrous too. Here are some common characteristics:

Actions do not match their words

They know exactly what you want to hear and will say the same to you but their words seldom match their actions. They mould reality the way you want to see it and then will contradict it with their actions.

They can easily make you feel guilty

Emotional manipulators feed on your guilt. Try telling them their fault and they will maliciously highlight reasons that are guaranteed to make you seethe in guilt for bringing up the issue.

They are always the victim

They can’t stand being told they are wrong. If they have done something wrong, they will manipulate in ways, which will eventually make them appear as victims. They will never ever take accountability for their mistakes.

They reveal too much, too soon

They may have met you a few weeks ago but they will share things too soon. They will pretend to be extremely vulnerable and sensitive but you must know that it’s just a facade. That’s their way of letting you feel you are close to them and thereby responsible for their feelings.

They will help and then pretend to be a martyr

If you are in a spot, they will definitely come to your rescue but stay assured, that’s their way of making you feel indebted to them. Try confronting them and they will flip their version and call you paranoid.

They know all your weaknesses and use them

They come to know your weaknesses and will often use that knowledge against you. If you are worried about your partner cheating on you, they will definitely mention it in an intimidating manner when they themselves feel in a weaker spot.

Source: The Times of India