11 foods that trigger an allergy

Published: 13 December 2015, 11:02 AM
11 foods that trigger an allergy

A delicious meal should put a smile on your face, not turn it bright red. Or itchy. Or bumpy.

For some people, certain foods can trigger hives (an eruption of small welts), swollen lips, itchiness, flushing, eczema (rough, itchy patches), or a hot-to-the-touch rash, even if you`ve never reacted to a food before.

If the outbreak covers your entire body or is accompanied by chest tightness, wheezing, or shortness of breath, you`re having a full-blown allergic reaction.

If you know what food triggered your reaction, you can steer clear of it in the future. But if you`re not sure, write down everything you ate leading up to your outbreak, use this list of common culprits as a memory jogger, and talk with your doctor about allergy testing.

1. Cow`s milk
2. Eggs
3. Peanuts
4. Tree nuts (cashews, walnuts, almonds, etc.)
5. Shellfish
6. Soy
7. Wheat
8. Red wine
9. Citrus (limes, oranges, etc.)
10. Tomatoes
11. Hot spices, such as chili seasonings