5 signs she is secretly in love with you

Published: 3 December 2016, 11:32 AM
5 signs she is secretly in love with you

You’re ‘just friends’, but there’s something strange between you two that you just cannot stop noticing. She’s not like any other girl friend. Just the way she behaves around you is proof enough. Is she secretly in love with you? Well, if she’s doing these five things, she most probably is!

1. She gets super awkward in front of you :  Her hands get fidgety, she starts playing with her hair, or her phone, with a faint hint of blushing, when you look at her while talking.

2. She is always the first one to respond to anything you say, anything you do: If you want a drink, she’ll go out of her way to make you one. She gives you way more importance than anyone else. 

3. She laughs at the lamest of jokes : She laughs at the lamest of jokes you crack, jokes that nobody else finds funny, including yourself. Yeah, that’s adorable. 

4. She goes red in your look :  And, if you catch her looking at you, she goes red in the face with embarrassment and instantly looks away.

5. She supports you blindly: She defends you in front of all your friends, even when it’s a stupid argument.

Source: MENSXP