7 signs he is never going to marry you

Published: 28 November 2016, 10:57 AM
7 signs he is never going to marry you

You’ve been dating for quite some time now and people have started asking question at weddings and family dos. You are sure you have found Mr Right but he seems to be on a different page altogether. Is he really?

Future denial:
For him, planning for the future equals deciding what to eat for dinner the next night. If he evades talks of the future and avoids all discussion, throw him out, now!

His future talk doesn’t include you: ‘In two years I am going to buy a house which is right next to where I work.’ Yep, you aren’t figuring in that plan.

Allergic to commitment: Do you often see him making the ‘thank god I am safe’ reference when he meets his married friends? Well, what can we say! Throw him out and change the locks.

He is allergic to the M word: Okay, not everyone loves marriage discussions but if he avoids the M word like the plague, you need a rethink.

He never owns up in public: If he downplays the relationship in front of his friends and family, often referring to you as his ‘good friend’, chances are he isn’t going to stick around for too long.

He can’t make decisions: His decision to not marry you might not even be personal. Maybe he just can’t make up his mind when it comes to big decisions. Do you really want to be with him?

M is for maybe: If he says he might marry you if you give the relationship some more time, move on.
There is always an excuse: Talk marriage and he always comes up with ‘Only after I start earning more,’ or ‘Only after I buy a house.’ While his focus is good, it might also

Source: IDIVA