5 tips to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy

Published: 14 November 2016, 04:13 AM
5 tips to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy

Expecting mothers should go for pregnancy-friendly exercises and should get comfortable maternity gear for working out, says an expert.

Yuvraj Randhawa, gym trainer and owner of Health Plus gym (H+), gives an insight on smart ways to exercise safely during pregnancy:

Don’t lie on your back
Avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your back, especially crunches after the first trimester. Lying on your back for an extended period could make you feel dizzy as this can decrease blood flow to you and to your baby.

Get maternity gear
Comfort and flexibility are must during workouts but the baby bump needs to be accommodated throughout your pregnancy. Look for workout wear that is specifically sized to your body, shoe and measurements. There should be nothing too constrictive, nor anything too loose. Make sure you don’t get too warm, as over-heating can pose a threat to the baby.

Go for pregnancy friendly exercises
Walking briskly, swimming regularly and parental yoga are all very healthy and easy on baby. Remember that your joints become loose and your centre of gravity shifts with pregnancy, so you cannot just scale down your usual routine. Seek out a moderate programme that keeps you strong and fit in a relaxed and safe manner.

Get more rest than usual
Most expectant mothers need more sitting, napping and relaxing, but if you have got a healthy fitness routine going, you need even more time to recoup. Don’t ever keep yourself in overdrive, no matter how much you have got going on or how great your love of working out may be. Keeping yourself fit during this time is a very healthy decision, but it also must be a wise one; listen to your body.

Be prepared to modify your routine
You may not be able to keep up that 10km run when you’re pregnant, which is totally fine. Hormonal changes during pregnancy make you more flexible and your growing belly can throw off your centre of balance, making your standby workouts more difficult. You may need to cut your workouts a bit short (take a 20 minute walk instead) or decrease your speed or resistance.

Source: Indian Express