How to lose belly fat in just one week (video)

Published: 6 November 2016, 03:14 AM
How to lose belly fat in just one week (video)

We all want to shed that extra fat around our waist and belly, but sadly thanks to our sedentary lifestyles, the task gets only harder.

As mental exertion has taken over physical exertion in the modern era, more and more people have been prone to weight gain and other diseases because of it. From young children to middle-aged professional, everyone has become susceptible to obesity.

While we often take up new resolution to lose weight, we find it hard to keep up with any routine or dieting plan owing to lack of time and/or constant enthusiasm. But there are many who lose the battle against stubborn fat despite all efforts and perseverance. The health implications - from many cardiovascular diseases to diabetes - from fat deposition around your waist are quite hazardous.

But don’t worry, there are some effective and time-saving tips with which you can try and get rid of all the unwanted visceral fat in just a week - if this video is anything to go by.

A video by WaysAndHow has put together five effective steps to attain a health and fit self. These include from simple tips like - drinking lukewarm lemon water, drinking at least eight glasses of water day to little rigorous ones like jogging and running. Not much but an active workout of just half-an-hour to one-hour a day may let you get a toned belly.

With High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) one may burn fat faster. If HIIT seems a little too much, then just play some peppy Bollywood numbers and dance to them for 15-20 mins. Look for any cardio Bollywood video and sway along.

Source: Indian Express