What can I do for you?

Published: 25 July 2016, 08:55 AM
What can I do for you?

A man goes into the doctor with a penguin on his head. The doctor says ‘What can I do for you?’ and the penguin says ‘well doc, it started as this growth on my foot...’


A polar bear walks into a bar and the barman says, ‘what would you like to drink?’. The polar bear hangs his head and sighs deeply and then says ‘I’ll have a pint of bitter barman’. The barman looks at the bear and says ‘why the big paws?’


A brain and a pair of jump leads walk into a bar. The brain orders two pints from the barman but the barman refuses to serve him. When asked why, the barman replies ‘Well you’re clearly out of your head, and your friend there looks as if he`s about to start something’.