Oh my god!

Published: 27 June 2016, 09:01 AM
Oh my god!

There’s a sausage and an egg in a frying pan. The sausage turns to the egg and says: ‘Gosh egg, it’s really hot in here, isn’t it?’ The egg turns to the sausage and says: ‘Oh my god! A talking sausage!’


A guy phones the local hospital and yells ‘You’ve gotta send help! My wife’s in labour!’ The nurse says, ‘Calm down. Is this her first child?’  He replies, ‘No!  This is her husband!’


A man buys two monkeys. those monkeys multiply and soon he’s got 10 monkeys. The city gets wind of it and threatens heavy fines if he doesn’t get rid of the monkeys. So the man calls his cousin pedro and offers him $50.00 to take the monkeys to the zoo. An couple of hours pass, pedro calls and asks for fifty MORE dollars! The man says ‘listen, I just gave you $50.00 to take them to the zoo’. Pedro says ‘yes, but now they want to go to the movies!’.