I think it is Colin!

Published: 20 June 2016, 12:06 PM
I think it is Colin!

Apparently 1 in 4 people in the world are Chinese. There are 5 people in my family - this means that it is my Mother, my Father, my Younger Brother Colin or my Older Brother Ho Cha Chin. But I think it is Colin!


Golfer on Par 3 tee, large pond between tee and green. He puts an old ball on the tee. Here’s a voice: ‘Use a new ball!’ The old ball is replaced with a new one, and then he takes a practice swing. ‘Use the old ball!’


One woman had always wanted to take a bath in a tub filled with warm milk. So she called the dairyman out to measure the tub and find out how much milk she would need and how much it would cost. He began measuring and asked her, ‘Do you want it pasteurized?’ And she said, ‘No, just up to my bosom would be fine.’