I am trying to out run you!

Published: 11 June 2016, 09:43 AM
I am trying to out run you!

A Philosopher and scientist were being chased by a lion. The Scientist looked back and made a swift calculation. Puffing, he said to the philosopher – ‘we can’t out run it you know’ The Philosopher was slightly ahead, he replied ‘I am not trying to outrun the lion, I am trying to out run you!


A doctor says to his patient, ‘without these treatments, you’ve got 3 months to live,’ and hands him a bill. The patient says, ‘My God! Look at all these. I can’t come up with this kind of money in 3 months!’ The doctor says, ‘Alright!  You’ve got 6 months to live.’


A guy goes to the doctor and complains he can’t stop singing the ‘Green, Green Grass of Home’. The doctor says it’s the Tom Jones Syndrome The guys asks if it’s common. The doctor replies: ‘It’s not unusual’.