I’m positive!

Published: 8 June 2016, 08:13 AM
I’m positive!

2 atoms were talking, 1 atom said to the other ‘why are you crying?’ the atom replied ‘I’ve lost an electron’, the first atom said ‘are you sure?’, ‘yes’ replied the other ‘I’m positive!’


Man walking down the street meets a friend who has a lobster tucked under his arm. ‘Are you taking that lobster home to dinner?’ he asks. ‘No,’ says friend, ‘he’s had his dinner and now I’m taking him to the pictures’.


Patient: Dr, Dr - I can’t get this song out of my head and it’s driving me mad. I can’t stop humming ‘It’s Good to Touch the Green Grass of Home’.
Doctor: ‘Hmm, sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome’ Patient ‘Never heard of it’
Doctor  ‘Well it’s not unusual...’