It’s not unusual

Published: 22 May 2016, 06:43 AM
It’s not unusual

Patient: ‘Doctor I keep hearing ‘The green, green grass of home’ in my head.
Doctor: ‘That’s called the Tom Jones Syndrome’
Patient: ‘Is it common?’ Doctor: ‘It’s not unusual.


A man walks into a bar and is about to order a drink when he notices Van Gogh playing the fruit machine. He calls over, ‘Hey, Van Gogh! Want a drink?’ and Van Gogh replies, ‘No thanks. I’ve got one ‘ere.’


Two owls are playing in the final of the Owl Pool Championship. It comes down to the last frame. One of the owls is just about to play his shot, when his wing accidentally touches a ball. ‘That’s two hits,’ says the other owl. ‘Two hits to who?’ says the first.