Do you have any grapes?

Published: 8 May 2016, 02:41 AM
Do you have any grapes?

A penguin walks into a store and asks the teller, ‘Do you have any grapes?’
‘No.’ He replies. This same thing happens the next day. On the third day the teller replies,’
No, and if you come in asking for grapes again I will nail your flippers to the floor!’
On the next the penguin walks in and asks,’ Got any nails?
‘No.’ Replies the teller. ‘Got any grapes!’ The penguin asks!


A man goes into the doctor with a penguin on his head. The doctor says ‘What can I do for you?’ and the penguin says ‘well doc, it started as this growth on my foot...’


Three vampires are sitting at a bar. Bartender asks the first one what he wants.
‘I think I’ll have a glass of blood.’ ‘Okay, what’ll you have?’ he asks the second vampire.
‘That sounds good. I’ll have a glass of blood too.’ ‘And what can I get for you?’ he asks the third vampire. ‘I’ll have a glass of plasma’ said the third vampire. ‘Okay,’ said the bartender,
‘That’s two bloods and a blood light, then.’