I was sitting on dad’s lap.

Published: 27 September 2016, 08:37 AM
I was sitting on dad’s lap.

Son: mom, yesterday when I was on bus with dad, dad told me to give up my
seat to a lady.
Mom: Good, you have done right thing.
Son: but mom I was sitting on dad’s lap.

Once in a bar, one guy said to another..‘I slept with your mom last night.’
after that whole bar was waiting another guy’s response. After a while... he laughs and says: Let’s go home, Father, you are drunk....


Once there were three Ladies.
First Lady: My husband’s hair color is Black, So I will wear Black Dress for tomorrow Party.
Second Lady: My husband`s hair color is Yellow, So I will wear yellow Dress for tomorrow Party.
Third Lady questioned: My Husband is bald, So what should I ?!