Happy Birthday the greatest dictator of history!

Published: 13 August 2016, 10:41 AM
Happy Birthday the greatest dictator of history!

There are two kinds of dictator in the world history. One is hated for their evil history and other was remembered scores of peoples for his political and social views.

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, known as Fidel Castro, world’s greatest revolutionary is belonged with the second category.

Fidel Castro during the guerrilla life

Today he turns 90. To celebrated his birthday, people from all over the Cuba present at Havana and partied with Havana’s Malecon seafront, celebrating retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro turning 90 to the tune of Latin beats as an electric storm in the distance lit up the night sky.

Fidel the dictator:

Once Fidel wrote that, ‘I wasn’t born political, but from very young I observed things that stuck in my mind, that helped me understand the realities of the world.’

Though Castro born in a wealthy family in Biran of Cuba, which was very attractive to foreign tourists, on August 13, 1926.

From his childhood Castro observed rural poverty of his birthplace and always tried to solve the problem.

During his university life Castro adopted leftist anti-imperialist politics and participated in rebellions against right-wing governments in the Dominican Republic and Colombia.

Later he planned to oust of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista. He engineered an attack against in 1953 but he failed.

He was captured and put in jail. After serving years in jail he came out and traveled to Mexico where he formed a revolutionary group, the 26th of July Movement along with his brother Raúl Castro and the Argentinean doctor Che Guevara.

Castro and Che in a fishing boat

On 1959, Fidel carried out a successful war against Batista’s forces and grabbed the power of Cuba, assumed military and political power as Cuba’s Prime Minister.

After getting the power, he launched an all out drive against poverty, which hampers the interests of USA and other industrialist countries.

From the early age of Castro’s empowerment USA and its allies titled him as a dictator and tried to assassinate his more than 100 times but every times they failed.

During his time, Fidel able to eradicate poverty form his country, which he dreamed from his childhood. He was the prime minister and president for Cuba nearly 49 years, in this period he made Cuba’s medical facilities as world best.

Now this small country export huge number of doctors across the world. He also solved the racism and illiterate problem form the country, able to create a new production system by which every Cuban got food and their basic needs.

Though American were taught to believe that Cuba is the land of evil and dictator but every year nearly millions of American travelled Cuba for medical purposes.

Fidel Castro during the guerrilla life

Now UN declares that there is no malnutrition among the children in Cuba. For turning Cuba into a happy and self-dignified country from the worst Fidel Castro will be remembered another thousands years by world people.

We hope, Fidel will be with us for more years. We wish him a happy and healthy birthday. Happy Birthday Fidel Castro, the dictator of people.