Indonesia says it will push back Rohingya refugees adrift

Jago News Desk Published: 29 December 2021, 08:38 PM | Updated: 29 December 2021, 09:54 PM
Indonesia says it will push back Rohingya refugees adrift
Rohingya refugees stranded on a boat off Indonesia, where authorities say they will push it back to international waters. Photograph: Bireuen Fisherman Group/EPA

Indonesian authorities have said they will push a boat containing 120 Rohingya Muslims back to international waters despite fears that it could sink off the country’s northernmost province of Aceh.

The boat was reportedly leaking, had a damaged engine, and was at risk of capsizing in harsh weather, the United Nations refugee agency said.

“UNHCR is deeply concerned for the safety and lives of those onboard,” it said in a statement on Tuesday. “To prevent needless loss of life, we strongly urge the Indonesian government to allow safe disembarkation immediately.”

The boat was first sighted by local fishers on Sunday in waters about 60 miles (96 kilometers) off the coast of Bireuen, a district in Aceh province, said Badruddin Yunus, the leader of the local tribal fishing community.

He said fishers were unable to tow the broken-down wooden boat but had provided food, water and clothes to the hungry passengers, including 60 women, 51 children and nine men.

“Their condition looks weak but fine,” said Yunus, adding that the refugees said they wanted to go to Malaysia and had been at sea for 28 days before their boat’s engine broke.

Local officials, supported by the police and navy, have provided food, medicine, a new boat engine and a technician to help repair the Rohingya boat, and they will push it back to international waters once it was fixed, said Bireuen district chief Muzakkar Gani, who also cited concerns that some of the refugees might have Covid-19.

Gani said local officials were still waiting for directives from the central government in Jakarta but in the meantime planned to repair the boat so the refugees could reach Malaysia.

Aceh police spokesperson, Winardy, said on Wednesday that officials planned to push the boat out of Indonesian waters.

“We will repair their boat and give them fuel and only monitor its movement to Malaysia,” said Winardy, who goes by a single name.

A refugee taskforce unit at Indonesia’s coordinating ministry for political, law and security affairs could not immediately be reached for comment.

More than 700,000 Rohingya have fled from Buddhist-majority Myanmar to camps in Bangladesh since August 2017, when the Myanmar military launched a clearance operation in response to attacks by a rebel group. Myanmar security forces have been accused of mass rapes, killings and the burning of thousands of homes.

Groups of Rohingya have attempted to leave the crowded refugee camps in Bangladesh and travel by sea in hazardous voyages to other Muslim-majority countries in the region.

Muslim-dominated Malaysia has been a common destination for boats and traffickers have promised the refugees a better life there. But many Rohingya refugees who land in Malaysia face detention.

Although Indonesia is not a signatory to the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention, the UNHCR said that a 2016 presidential regulation provides a national legal framework governing the treatment of refugees on boats in distress near Indonesia and to help them disembark.

These provisions have been implemented for years, most recently in June when 81 Rohingya refugees were rescued off the coast of East Aceh.

Source: The Guardian/AP