Delhi: Lockdown till June 7, rules for unlocking out

Jago News Desk Published: 30 May 2021, 09:12 AM
Delhi: Lockdown till June 7, rules for unlocking out

Delhi Disaster Management Authority on Saturday issued an order permitting operations of manufacturing/production units within closed premises in approved industrial areas and construction activities within their work sites from Monday (May 31) 5am onwards. The lockdown has, however, been extended till June 7 (5am), reports Times of India.

All existing restrictions, including the suspension of Delhi Metro services and bar on weddings in public places and all wholesale and retail markets, will stay till 5am on June 7. Movement of individuals is prohibited except those engaged in essential and permitted activities. Movement of workers and employees will be allowed only on the possession of e-pass (in soft or hard copy). It can be obtained by submitting an online application on the Delhi government website ( Owners of manufacturing units and those running construction sites will be responsible for ensuring strict compliance to all Covid-19 guidelines on their premises/sites.

“…the situation of Covid-19 has again been reviewed and it has been observed that, though the number of Covid-19 patients and positivity rate are declining, the situation is still precarious, therefore, in order to contain the spread of virus and to further break the transmission chain, curfew needs to be extended for another week in Delhi (except for essential activities, services), permitting reopening of certain prohibited activities in a phased manner in areas outside the containment zones for overall wellbeing of the people,” the DDMA order stated.

DDMA asked officials to ensure that no shops (of non-essential commodities or services) in wholesale or retail markets or weekly markets are functioning illegally. Market associations and RWAs will also be responsible for ensuring compliance of Covid-19 guidelines. Authorities concerned shall take strict action against the defaulting persons, shopkeepers, weekly marketers, it ordered.

Only asymptomatic workers and employees will be allowed at the workplace and offices will have to stagger working hours and lunch breaks to ensure proper social distancing between their workers. All workers must strictly follow Covid-appropriate behaviour like wearing of face masks, maintaining social distancing, no spitting at public places, no consumption of pan, gutkha, tobacco and liquor at the workplace.

Provision of thermal screening, hand wash and sanitiser preferably with touch free mechanism will have to be maintained at all entry and exit points and common areas and workplaces.

All district magistrates have been asked to ensure random Covid-19 testing at manufacturing units and construction sites on a regular basis. The DMs are also supposed to deploy special inspection teams for ensuring compliance to all Covid-19 guidelines.

Delhi Police has been asked to ensure effective checking of movement of persons and vehicles and prevent unnecessary movement of people on roads during curfew.