Coronavirus: Israel to ban people entering from 3 countries

International Desk Published: 20 December 2020, 05:51 PM
Coronavirus: Israel to ban people entering from 3 countries

Following the emergence of a new variant of the novel coronavirus, the Health Ministry announced on Sunday morning it would recommend that people not be allowed to enter Israel from South Africa, Denmark and England.

In addition, Israel’s coronavirus cabinet is expected to recommend that people coming into the country from Australia and New Zealand stay in quarantine in a coronavirus hotel upon their return, Ynet reported.

"We need to close the whole world immediately - just let business people fly according to protocol, and limit those returning to a tight quarantine. It's an extreme step, but if there is a result - it will be difficult," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Coronavirus Cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Ministers Amir Peretz and Yizhar Shai joined his position.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said on Sunday afternoon that once the cabinet approves its decision, IDF forces will be mobilized to operate coronavirus hotels within fewer than 24 hours.

“We are already working to stop flights to Israel from countries to which the British coronavirus mutation has arrived,” Head of Public Health Services Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis told 103FM on Sunday morning, citing South Africa, England and Australia as examples.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and scientists announced on Saturday that the new strain of coronavirus identified in the country is up to 70% more infectious.

Johnson also said London and southeast England, which are currently in the highest level of a three-tier system of rules, would now be placed in a new Tier 4 level, effectively reversing planned Christmas celebrations across the country.

"We currently see no indication that the vaccine we have won't overcome the new mutation. To the best of our knowledge, it does overcome the new strain. Of course we are examining this and following this development closely," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday ahead of a coronavirus cabinet meeting, in which the cabinet is expected to decide whether to announce additional travel restrictions. 

While the strain is definitely more infectious, scientists say it is not known to be more lethal or resistant to vaccines.

“This mutation causes a faster infection, there is no evidence that it is resistant to the vaccine that was developed,” Health Ministry director-general Chezy Levy told Kan Bet Radio on Sunday morning.

“We are following with concern,” Coronavirus Commissioner Nachman Ash told Walla News on Sunday. “We are looking into the way the cell binds with the virus. At the moment, we think the vaccine will work on the new mutation as well.”

Though the Health Ministry confirmed on Saturday evening that all countries will be designated as red destinations to combat the recent spike in coronavirus morbidity rates, visitors from previously green countries have been given until December 26 to return to Israel without any isolation required.

Starting December 26, Israelis returning from any country will need to enter quarantine for 14 days. Alternatively, they may choose to be tested upon return to Israel, and again, nine days later. If both tests are negative, quarantine will be shortened to 10 days.

The Netherlands announced that it will ban flights carrying passengers from the United Kingdom starting on Sunday as a result of the newly discovered variant.

The statement added that in early December, sampling of a case in the Netherlands had revealed the same virus strain as that found in the UK.

Source: The Jerusalem Post