Migrant breaches of Eurotunnel down

Published: 16 August 2015, 04:39 PM
Migrant breaches of Eurotunnel down

The number of migrants trying to get into the Eurotunnel terminal near Calais has fallen to about 150 a night, the operator says, down from a high of 2,000 at the end of last month, reports BBC.

The company said extra security measures recently put into place were making a "real difference".

But it says the number of attempted break-ins remains "unacceptable".

Migrants in Calais make nightly bids to cross the Channel into the UK, causing delays on some cross-Channel services.

The UK government says it is spending £7m to improve security at Eurotunnel, but accepts there is still more work to do.

Extra fencing, paid for by the UK, has been erected, aimed at making it harder for migrants to get onto the platforms and trains at the terminal.