Coronavirus pandemic "far from over,": Researcher

International Desk Published: 26 May 2020, 09:54 AM
Coronavirus pandemic "far from over,": Researcher

Dr. Chris Murray, a researcher behind an influential coronavirus model from the University of Washington, said Monday that the Covid-19 pandemic is "far from over."

"We continue to forecast, really, an awful lot of deaths right through to August," Murray told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "And if we think past August, the total will continue well past that date as well." 

Murray cited new survey data on mask usage that shows "on average in the US, about 40% of Americans say in surveys that they wear a mask all the time. Eighty percent say they wear a mask some of the time or all of the time."

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said Sunday that there is "clear scientific evidence" that masks work to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The researcher said he believed that social distancing and mask usage were factors for why the Covid-19 crisis was "not as bad as it could have been."

"We really think that's because of mask use and people being more cautious," Murray said. "But of course, the images this [Memorial] weekend make you wonder if people are starting to forget about that caution."

Source: CNN