Playing online games during office hours against law

International Desk Published: 6 March 2019, 01:04 PM | Updated: 6 March 2019, 01:06 PM
Playing online games during office hours against law

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) of the Philippines on Wednesday warned government officials that playing online games during office hours is punishable under the law, reports The Philippine Daily Inquirer.

“Regardless whether an employee uses government or personal tablet or computer or mobile phone, playing games during office hours is NOT allowed,” CSC Commissioner Aileen Lizada said in a statement.

She said such an act “may be treated as Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service, among others.”

Under CSC Resolution No 1701077-2017 Rule on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service, government officials and employees who may be found in violation of Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service for the first time will be suspended for 6 months and 1 day up to 1 year.

A second offense will mean dismissal from service.

Neglect of Duty may likewise apply if the Office concerned has no established office rules.

The statement of Lizada was issued after Naval, Biliran Mayor Gerard Espina issued an office memorandum stating that “a significant number of employees” were reported to be playing mobile games during office hours.”

“Let it be known to all municipal employees that this act is not included in your responsibility, obligation, and duty as public servants,” the document read.

“Under this circumstance, I hereby order that employees that are caught playing mobile games during office hours will be [terminated] upon proven guilty,” it added.