Egypt’s Sisi Was for Sale on eBay!

Published: 25 February 2016, 10:53 AM
Egypt’s Sisi Was for Sale on eBay!

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Wednesday morning said he is so committed to solving Egypt’s debt crisis that he would go so far as to sell himself if he thought it would help.

Quick tip for Sisi: Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Within hours, the Egyptian leader was up for sale on eBay. Within a few hours, the bidding was at more than $100,000 — not too bad for an embattled head of state.

The seller, whose username on the online auction site is “dr_motown,” listed Sisi as a “slightly used” field marshal and doctor of philosophers with a military background.

That was a stab at Sisi’s claim last year that God anointed him as a doctor who advises “world leaders, politicians … and the greatest philosophers.”

When one interested buyer asked for more information about the product, dr motown-who has been an eBay member since 2004 and was rated positively by other users for quick delivery times-said Sisi had been used by “his previous owners (Gulf royals).”

EBay didn’t find the posting too funny — it was removed early Wednesday afternoon.