Trump dealt blow by Cruz in Iowa vote

Published: 2 February 2016, 09:33 AM
Trump dealt blow by Cruz in Iowa vote

Texas Senator Ted Cruz has won the Iowa Republican caucuses, the first vote to choose US presidential candidates.

"Tonight is a victory for courageous conservatives," he declared, to great applause, as he railed against Washington, lobbyists and the media, reports BBC.

He took 28% of the Republican vote, beating his rival, the frontrunner Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio.

Votes in the Democratic race are still being counted, with Hillary Clinton`s camp believing they have narrowly won.

Her spokesman Brian Fallon has said the former secretary of state and first lady will beat Bernie Sanders, the 74-year-old senator from Vermont, by two delegates in Iowa.

In five precincts the vote was decided by the toss of a coin - all going to Ms Clinton, according to the Des Moines Register.

Mr Sanders said it was a "virtual tie" and Mrs Clinton told her supporters she was "breathing a sigh of relief".

There was no such ambiguity from Republican victor Mr Cruz, whose triumph was reward for months spent criss-crossing the state to woo influential conservative and evangelical leaders.

As country music blared across the loud speaker at his Des Moines rally, the 45-year-old conservative, who has been a thorn in the side of his party, relished his victory.