When an announcer asked PM Modi, Sheikh Hasina to ‘step down’

Published: 8 April 2017, 11:47 AM
When an announcer asked PM Modi, Sheikh Hasina to ‘step down’

Diplomatic events follow strict protocols, usually making them drab affairs. But, once in a while, there are moments which lighten up an entire room and see even serious-talking leaders erupt into peels of laughter.

Such a moment was seen today at the joint press conference hosted by Prime Minster Narendra Modi and his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina at New Delhi’s Hyderabad House.

Towards the beginning of the conference, the two leaders were standing on the podium and were asked by an announcer to come together for a photo op. Tjhe announcer said, "May I request the two prime minsters to step down."

The incomplete statement and the poor choice of words made it seem as though the announcer was asking PM Modi and PM Hasina to resign from their posts.

The entire room, including the two prime ministers, erupted in laughter.

The gaffe was soon forgotten as Modi and Hasina went on to discuss serious matters of foreign policy. New Delhi and Dhaka announced the signing of 22 new pacts and vowed to continue the discussions over Teesta.

Source: The India Today