An image of Putin caressing a pregnant Trump projected on a store

Published: 18 February 2017, 10:46 AM
An image of Putin caressing a pregnant Trump projected on a store

Anyone visiting the Apple store in New York`s Chelsea neighborhood got an unusual surprise on Tuesday night: a giant projection of Russian President Vladimir Putin caressing a very pregnant Donald Trump.

The image was projected on the side of building on the corner of 15th Street and Ninth Avenue, which is the location of Apple`s Chelsea retail store.

The Valentine`s Day stunt was coordinated by the app Hater — a Tinder-style dating app that matches you with other users based on things you both hate. The illustration of Trump and Putin appeared next to Hater`s upside-down-heart logo and a hashtag with the company`s tagline, "Love Through Hate." As it turns out, nearly 80% of Hater`s more than 200,000 current users say they "hate" Trump.

"There`s a lot of tension out there, regardless of which side you`re on," Brendan Alper, Hater`s founder and CEO, told Business Insider in an emailed statement. "We`re just trying to make people laugh. Through humor, hate can turn into love."

The Chelsea projection wasn`t the only one — Hater projected the same image elsewhere in New York City. Another appeared at 14th Street and Eighth Avenue, on the side of a CVS right next to a subway stop.

A third was displayed at North Sixth Street and Wythe Avenue in Brooklyn`s Williamsburg neighborhood.