9 reasons Obama is the coolest US President of all time

Published: 19 January 2017, 11:19 AM
9 reasons Obama is the coolest US President of all time

When Barack Obama won the election in 2008 the whole world knew it was getting the first African-American to become the leader of the free world. What we didn`t realise then is that we were also getting the coolest president in history.

It is hard to imagine any president before him - even Bill Clinton who was arguably the first to be seen as the kind of guy you may want to go for a beer with - doing anything like the things that Obama has done that has wowed us on an almost weekly basis.

He`s cracked jokes, he almost broke Twitter and he`s been gracious and humble... everything that George W. Bush before him wasn`t. And to top it all - he`s made it look so very effortless.

It`s harder still to imagine Donald Trump, Theresa May, Angela Merkel or any of his peers ever matching him in the cool stakes in the future.

Historians will likely look back and remember Obama as the perfect president for the social media age.

As his two terms - eight years - ends, Mirror Online looks back at how he became to be known as the `cool` president.

1. He`s king of the selfies
You wouldn`t think - with photographers at your heels following you at every turn - that a president would need, or even want, to document what happened to him that day by taking selfies.

When Obama got David Cameron to lean in for a photo with him and Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt back in December 2013 it wasn`t impossible to image that the British PM had probably never heard of the word `selfie` before.

And the world hardly seemed to bat an eye that it happened during Nelson Mandela’s memorial service in Johannesburg - proving how popular Obama has become.

2. He slow-jammed the news
A second-term Obama delivered a more laid-back President - one who was clearly more comfortable in his own skin.
A collaboration with US comedic chat show host Jimmy Fallon and The Roots was in essence an idea that wasn`t new - world leaders have collaborated with comedians before - but the manner in which the president played his part in their skit elevated him above his peers.

“Hello, I’m President Barack Obama, and I too, would like to slow jam this news...,” Obama announced - before touting his successes in climate change and same-sex marriage as well as confronting his critics over Iran, Cuba and the Trans-Pacific partnership trade deal.

All in a song. And the world hung on every word - enthralled.

3. He dropped the mic
The annual White House Correspondents` Dinner is a date on the calendar to savour - when the sitting US president traditionally delivers a speech which sends himself up, as well as his administration, to a packed room of reporters.
Obama didn`t disappoint in any year and there have been many memorable moments - like when in 2015 he brought along an `anger translator` to interpret what he was really saying between the lines from over his shoulder.

But the one moment that will go down in memory - and will surely be talked about for decades to come - was how he left the stage at the final dinner this year.

After thanking the crowd for their support, Obama uttered the immortal phrase "Peace out" - as he dropped the mic and with his other hand kissed his fingers.

Over the years everyone from Eddie Murphy to Arctic Monkeys` Alex Turner has tried it, and now the president himself.

4. He is social media savvy
When Obama came to power social media was in its infancy - and `crusty old` politicians were rarely seen grasping a mobile phone let alone any kind of online presence.

The first black US president quickly got to grips with its potential power - from Facebook to Twitter he could be seen everywhere he could find an audience he wanted to communicate with.

At one point he even held the world record for the number of retweets - a title he eventually only lost out to Ellen Degeneres` infamous Oscar selfie, packed full of A-List Hollywood stars.

Obama took defeat graciously and with good humour - appearing on her chat show to decry her `cheap` ploy of utilising the power of celebrity.

5. He can be very, very funny
Saturday Night Live has welcomed onto its stage numerous politicians in its 40-year history - from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump.

But no appearance has arguably been as fascinating as Barack Obama`s debut in 2007 - before he won the top job.
Back then he made a surprise appearance in a sketch where he featured as a guest at a Halloween party hosted by Hillary Clinton (played by Amy Poehler).

Obama - who in real-life was battling Hillary for the Democratic nomination - pulled off a mask of his own likeness to reveal it was actually him underneath.

Then, when he was asked why he had come dressed as himself, Obama replied: "I`m not going to change who I am just because it`s Halloween."

It was the first time the world sat up and noticed the presidential wannabe - suggesting he was the right choice for the future.

6. He is not ashamed to publicly show his love for his wife
The part that Michelle Obama - easily also the coolest First Lady in history - has played in her husband`s presidency will be something that is remembered by historians of the future.

The couple regularly appear side by side, and in affectionate poses. Their relationship captured the public`s attention to such an extent it has even been made into a Hollywood film. And the best bit of it all is that: Barack doesn`t mind telling the whole world how much he loves his wife.

Like when on their 20th wedding anniversary he tweeted that she was his best friend.

7. He brushes the dirt
Sometimes being cool is knowing when you don`t have to say something. Sometimes it can just be a certain gesture that let`s the world know you mean business. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

Back in April 2008 - in the heat of battle for the Democratic primaries - Obama was under attack from Hillary Clinton .
But in a key turning point on the campaign trail he delivered a speech where he addressed her criticism head on.
"You`ve got to expect it," he began, then sighed: "You`ve just gotta let it..."

And then he delivered the infamous brush-brush motion made famous in Jay-Z`s Dirt Off Your Shoulders video.
The crowd went wild. The hip-hop president was born.

8. He has got some lungs
Granted he`s probably not a potential contender for American Idol or X Factor in the future - but Barack Obama can hold a note. And he knows when the time is right to break into song.

In January 2012 when, in the middle of a speech - realising he was in the same room as the Rev. Al Green - Obama broke out into singing his hit song `Let`s Stay Together`. It`s hard to imagine any of his predecessors, his peers or even his successor Donald Trump being so bold.

9. He`s funny
Comedy is all about timing. But not everyone gets it right all the time. Except Obama. Barack has a canny way of making jokes as close to the boundaries as he can - but never over it.

When he was bidding the departing White House executive pastry chef a fond farewell, he quipped that his food was so good, they must have that added "something" of the illegal variety.

Source: Mirror