US welcomes Syria `milestone` at UN

Published: 19 December 2015, 09:23 AM
US welcomes Syria `milestone` at UN

A UN plan for Syria is a "milestone" in the efforts to end the conflict there, says US Secretary of State John Kerry.
He said the plan gave Syrians a "real choice... between war and peace".

The resolution, passed unanimously by the UN Security Council, sets out a timetable for formal talks and a unity government within six months, reports BBC.

However, the resolution makes no mention of the future role of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Western countries have called for his departure, but Russia and China say he should not be required to leave power as a precondition for peace talks.

Mr Kerry said Mr Assad had "lost the ability to unite the country" but he also said that demanding Mr Assad`s immediate departure was "prolonging the war".

However, while Western and Arab nations accept that Mr Assad can be part of the transition, they also insist he must be gone at the end of it.

France`s Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said the idea of Mr Assad standing in elections was "unacceptable".

Syria`s UN ambassador Bashar Jaafari said there was a "glaring contradiction" between outside countries talking about letting Syrians decide their future yet also insisting on replacing Mr Assad.