Climate deal is world`s best chance

Published: 13 December 2015, 09:43 AM
Climate deal is world`s best chance

The climate deal reached in Paris is "the best chance we have to save the one planet we have", US President Barack Obama has said, reports BBC.

He said it could be a "turning point" for the world to take on the challenge of a low-carbon future.

China, the world`s biggest polluter, also hailed the deal. But some campaigners said it did not go far enough to protect the planet.

The Paris pact aims to curb global warming to less than 2C (3.6F).

Nearly 200 countries took part in tense negotiations in the French capital over two weeks, striking the first deal to commit all nations to cut emissions.

The agreement - which is partly legally binding and partly voluntary - will come into being in 2020.