Pro-Assad forces slaughter at least 82 civilians, UN says

Published: 13 December 2016, 10:50 AM
Pro-Assad forces slaughter at least 82 civilians, UN says

The United Nations said that militia forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have entered homes and killed at least 82 civilians in east Aleppo, UK based Independent newspaper reported. 

Here is the full report :

Militia forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have entered homes and killed at least 82 civilians in east Aleppo during their advance on rebel-held territory, the UN says.

Spokesperson for the UN`s human rights office Rupert Colvile said that reliable sources had confirmed 82 non-combatants were shot in four different neighbourhoods overnight on Tuesday. The reports included 11 women and 13 children.

There has been a "complete meltdown of humanity in Aleppo," he added.

Around 100,000 civilians are still thought to be trapped by fighting in rebel areas. Videos reportedly taken inside the city show scenes of horrific destruction and human misery caused by intense bombing, as almost all medical and aid services have broken down.

Civilians and activists are afraid of detention or execution by Shia militias allied to the Syrian government if they are suspected of being members of the opposition.

Jan Egeland, the UN’s humanitarian adviser on Syria, tweeted that the Russian and Syrian governments would be responsible for any such abuses.

“The Gov`ts of Syria & Russia are accountable for any and all atrocities that the victorious militias in Aleppo are now committing!,” he wrote.

Reports have already emerged of men from neighbourhoods recaptured by the regime disappearing. Their wherabouts are still unknown, the UN says.

UN, US, Russian and Turkish talks to implement a ceasefire are ongoing but all efforts have so far failed. Rebels have also indicated they want a humanitarian ceasefire to evacuate those in need of medical assistance.

The Syrian government is close to victory in Aleppo after more than four years of fighting, with rebel opposition relegated to tiny pockets of opposition. Retaking the city will be Mr Assad`s biggest victory yet in almost-six-year-old civil war.

Source : Independent