5 spring fruits to boost immunity, speed up weight loss

Jago News Desk Published: 14 February 2023, 07:43 PM
5 spring fruits to boost immunity, speed up weight loss
Photo: Pexels

With the arrival of spring and winter at its fag end, the weather has taken a pleasant turn. While it's time to pack off your woollens and take out the lighter fabrics, weather is unpredictable during this time of the year and intense fluctuations in day temperatures are common due to which many illnesses can strike. Common cold, cough, stomach flu are rampant in this season as allergens, irritants and viruses are bound to attack as the season transitions. It is thus important to take care of your immunity and one of the ways of doing that is consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Eating seasonal fruits is the best way to keep healthy because they have extraordinary nutritional benefits. From energy-boosting cherries to antioxidant-rich strawberries, here are some spring fruits suggested by Sonia Bakshi, Nutritionist and Founder DtF to give your overall health a boost this spring season.

Here's a list:

1. Cherries

The delectable and juicy cherries can be enjoyed as they are or can be added to provide natural sweetness and flavour to your desserts. Sweet as well as sour, cherries are a must-have in your diet. They help to boost energy and also aid in relaxing the mind and improving sleep quality. They are also known to control your blood sugar levels and reduce uric acid in your blood.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries are usually the first fruits to ripen in the spring season. They are rich in antioxidants and help you take on the spring season with a bang. They reduce bad Cholesterol (LDL) and also help in weight management. You can use them in your salad dressings or enjoy them as jams or jellies. Try to make your own strawberry ice cream considering the fruit is in the season or maybe try flavouring your muffins or other baked goodies with it.

3. Blackberries

These spring fruits can be used in several ways like making a smoothie or a healthy oat pancake. They have high amounts of vitamins and fibre and low amounts of calories. They enhance brain health, control diabetes and speed up metabolism.

4. Oranges

They protect your cells from damage, help in absorption of iron to fight anaemia. They also boost your immune system. Eat them whole, enjoy the juice or use its peel to add a tangy flavour to your cakes and desserts.

5. Papaya

Affordable and sugary, papayas can help people with IBS or digestive problems that further accelerates weight loss. You can eat it as a healthy snacking option.

Source: Hindustan Times