How to quit smoking: 6 steps strategy

Smoking is a harmful habit. With time, it turns to an addiction, and can lead to severe health issues in life. From bringing in the risk of cancer, to causing lung diseases, smoking brings multiple health hazards. Hence, it is important to let go of the addiction and quit the harmful habit. But often people struggle to quit this addiction. Addressing this, Indian nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee wrote, “It is an incredible challenge to change any habit, but we need the motivation to do so, as all addictions are ultimately self-destructive. As you learn to kick your addiction or consider taking a ‘break’ from your smoking habit – you will begin to feel healthier.” Anjali further noted down a 6-steps strategy to quit smoking.
Taking the decision to quit is the most important step. The process of quitting a harmful addiction starts with taking a firm decision.
Intake of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E present in fresh fruits and vegetables should be increased to regain the lost health.
Smoking harms the skin as well. A glass of raw vegetable juice daily can help in nourishing the skin.
Foods such as wheat bran, whole pulses, jowar and bajri should be included in the diet to reduce the cravings to smoke and adapt to a high-fiber alkaline diet.
In order to nourish the skin, food items such as fish, nuts, dark green fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily.
Exercise helps in supporting the nourishing diet and regaining health faster.
Source: Hindustan Times