Special children need to be returned to normal life

Feature Desk Published: 24 February 2022, 03:05 PM
Special children need to be returned to normal life
Dr. Selina Sultana

Dr. Selina Sultana

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which there is difficulty in establishing social relationships and interactions with the surrounding environment and the individual and are often seen to have similar limited behaviors.

After the Corona epidemic, special children need to be brought back to normal life. Dealing with autism during the Covid epidemic, wearing a mask, accepting social distance, separation from friends and relatives, anxiety have negatively affected the child, his family and caregivers.

The current position has undergone many changes, new rules and routines. Every time looked at the world, the child saw all the unknown things that could cause anxiety. Dealing with these unknowns, now again the child has to create a new routine, adapt to the new environment. The family needs to learn the necessary techniques and teach the child before going back to school. Decide now how to start, how to prepare the baby and how to easily bring a new routine to the child's lifestyle.

Therapists and professionals have been teaching families for years - in written or visual ways. Creating routines for the child, having social descriptions to teach social skills, creating appropriate schedules, video modeling, sensitive breaks (safe place for sensory break) and creating a safe place to focus or calm down again. These are the things that family members used during the Corona epidemic.

Autistic children or differently-abled children have had to spend a lot of time in captivity at home during pandemic situation. Children have had a hard time adapting to this environment, they have to understand why parents are not taking them out of the house, why not taking them to school, why can't they go for a walk, why can't they attend therapy classes. Many a time it has happened that in the next room their father was Corona positive and was in quarantine, then the child wondered why the parents in the next room were not coming to see him. These questions multiplied the child's anxiety. The child had to understand with great difficulty that the parents could actually be in danger and the child could be infected.

Children or individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) exhibit repetitive and limited behavior. Such children resist or do not like even the slightest change in routine. Children with autism often forget what they learned when special education activities or therapies were not given to them.

Although the school opened in September, many parents were afraid to allow their children to attend classes because such children rarely follow social distance rules or wear face masks. Experts say that in autistic children, the level of sensory sensitivity increases. It is very difficult for the therapist to keep a mask on their face or confine them to a bench for long periods of time।

Autistic children and adults have so far tried to keep up with a planned routine where they have tried to help with their studies as well as family chores. Such as filling water bottles, putting clothes in the washing machine, hanging clothes, cutting vegetables, making the bed, setting the table for meals. Even playing with Lego (plastic toys) has become a group and reunited with family members. While watching TV, they also tried to mix with everyone in a united way. There was also a set time for the whole family to walk in the evening. For this reason, there was a system of rewarding them where their favorite things were kept. Now we have to make new changes in the routine which will take time to bring under the control of special needs children.

In many cases, instability and aggressive behavior have been observed among them. At this time the parents were asked to create a school-like environment at home. That's why they took the help of online therapy so that the child does not feel isolated. Many have arranged home-based therapy with all the equipment at home for the benefit of the child. However, it was difficult to send severely autistic children to school online.

People with autism spectrum disorder fall into three categories: mild, moderate and severe. Severe children are more hyperactive. Can't cope with change and is more sensitive to extra stress. According to most therapists only mildly affected autistic children can be given online therapy. Moderate and severely autistic children are 'intolerant' of staring at the screen for long periods of time. Parents have to play a big role in home-schooling of such children.

The epidemic has mainly led to "anxiety, depression, deterioration of communication skills among autistic children and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This side effect is not directly related to covid, but also to the mental and physical health of parents, therapists, and caregivers, increasing anxiety and restlessness, leading to insomnia, alcohol, and smoking.

On the other hand, behavioral changes and low attention have been observed in autistic children at this time. These children always want to see happy faces around. If parents see frustration, it makes children more anxious. For those children who needed help and self-help, special schools were closed for them, allowing their parents to work from home, reducing their working hours in the developed world. It is hoped that its application will start in this country in future also. In order for parents to be able to take care of such children, many parents have been able to deal with the situation by educating themselves about ASD. And successfully maintain the child's progress (in many cases more than the therapists). It was also important for these children to have a proper parental schedule during the Corona epidemic. They were accompanied by some basic etiquette, such as using a tissue or handkerchief, folding the elbow when sneezing. Parental patience is needed for the child all the time. Many times they hire a teacher or shadow teacher for the child if needed. These children do not need expensive equipment. Home appliances can be used for everyday activities, most of which are on YouTube. The guardians were able to get help from there.

In this changed situation, the child studying in the inclusive education has to get ready to wear mask for a long time like every day. "The new school rules" teach the child at his desk, from eating to talking to everyone in the classroom, maintaining social distance with friends or adapting to the changing world of Covid, as well as following the rules and regulations of the school, which is a little harder for children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Introducing a "new daily routine" for children with autism is now essential. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders need to re-enter the general or special education system with the help of Covid.

The child needs to be helped, encouraged. If the child imitates hygiene practices such as wearing a mask or washing their hands once, they will be rewarded and will be encouraged to do the same over and over again.

Writer: Developmental Paediatrician
Consultant: Neuro developmental disorders & child development and paediatric department, Better life hospital, Dhaka.
Ex-Autism specialist, Dhaka community medical college and hospital.