7 deadly diseases you can avoid by washing your hands

Do you avoid washing hands thinking that it isn't so important? You may be wrong. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites exist on the skin and in mucus, blood and other body fluids.
Some germs are transferred through inhalation and others are obtained by touch. And if you're not using good handwashing techniques, you'll probably find yourself affected by one of these deadly diseases. On Global Handwashing Day, take a look at the illnesses that may grip you for life. And, don't forget to keep your hands clean at all times!
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: Spread by direct contact with fecal content, it can affect your skin on hands, feet and mouth. The common symptoms include blister-like bumps in the mouth, on the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet.
Giardiasis: This disease easily spreads by drinking infected water from untreated sources or by hand-to-fecal contact. A person may suffer from symptoms like gas, cramping and diarrhea.
Skin Infections: Heard of bacterial conjunctivitis, chicken pox, measles, rashes, eczema? Yes, all these diseases can be transmitted by hand contact. So, if you develop such illnesses even after vaccination, you know the real reason behind it!
Hepatitis A: A highly contagious viral liver infection, it makes a person go yellow, and the symptoms include dark urine, nausea and vomiting.
Food Poisoning: Many people worry that they will catch the disease if they eat outside, but it can also spread at home if you do not wash your hands often.
Shigellosis: A bacterial infection, it includes watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. In the later stages, the stool contains mucus, blood and pus.
Worm Infestation: It is another common illness that results from not watching hands regularly. Faeces of humans and animals are usually filled with intestinal worms at various stages of development, and you can be infected with it.
Source: The Indian Express